
Slightly Wordless Wednesday – Yes, We Are Still Here!

Miss Me?

My owner has been so busy and she promised that she would learn how to do 11 things at once and get to my blog more often.  For now we will leave you with some pictures proving we are still here.  Adventures, scary vet visits, chicken eggs, and crazy things my owner thinks I need to do will all be posted soon.

Three dogs....Check

Three dogs….Check


Three Chickens.....Check

Three Chickens…..Check


One Cat......Check

One Cat……Check

Well thats all for now….enjoy this proof of life and more will come soon!!


Maxine and her posse


Categories: Blogging, Cricket, Maxine, Rocco | Leave a comment

It Only Took Two Years

Well here you have it! My first blog post and I thought it would be when I was still a puppy.  You see my owner signed up for this blog before she even got me in December of 2010 and this is her first post.  Can you say procrastinate?  Well she calls it “paying attention to details” we will just have to disagree on this one.  She even forgot that she even had a blog until she got a charge for her domain name a year later.  When she pulled it up it had lots of pictures of the doggies that are in doggie heaven now and she got sad and forgot about the blog some more.  Well then a sunny day came after so many rainy ones and she decided that this would be the day to start my blog again.

The day that saved my blog !

So now that I have posted it may not look as sunny as I remember it to be 🙂  maybe it was just the first day that it wasn’t raining in about 2 months. My first blog post and she puts up such a regal picture of me.  Well now you know she just aired all my dirty laundry.  I LOVE to chew up sticks.  I even sneak them into my crate and chew them up when nobody is looking.  If I am feeling really naughty I will steal pieces of wood from the firewood pile and peel all the bark off.  Don’t even ask my owners what I do with toilet paper rolls.  Although she did say she could hire me out as a paper shredder.

Oh, I love my sticks.

This may not be my best beauty picture but you can see all the things I love.  This picture includes lots of my favorite things sticks, the firewood pile, the big deck, my yard, the canoe, and the crazy person taking this photo.  I sometimes like to act tough but I really am just a Mama’s Girl and have been since I came to live here.  Sometimes she annoys me and always likes to sneak in “training moments” and even pretends that they are fun.  Why do I have to sit before I can chew the stick?  Why can’t I just run after the ball when you throw it? She says it “builds character” but I’m not convinced…..just give me my treat now!

Sit, stay……are we done yet?

See what I mean, she is always making me do things.  Today she found out that our favorite trail is open again so we went for a fabulous walk in the sunshine.  It has been closed because the city is trying to make it better.  Don’t ask me why it makes sense to close it for months on end and keep all the doggies form enjoying it.  Eventually it will be paved and then it won’t be the great off-leash walk I love so much.  It will be an official trail and then it won’t be fun at all because of all the rules and restrictions.

Brave Maxine

I even went in the water….brrr.  Well maybe it was only to the tops of my legs but I think it still counts.  I have so many adventures to catch you up on. Can you believe you just missed a whole year and a half of my life.  Hopefully we are over the “delays” in the blog and I will have to catch you up to speed.  So for now just  ignore the imperfections as I am sure it will get easier the longer we blog.  Wish me luck!

Categories: Blogging, Life at Home, Maxine | Leave a comment

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